You are here: Manage Listings > Revise Listings > Add a property picture

Add a property picture

To add pictures to a listing

  1. From the Listings menu, click View/Revise Your Listings. All of your active listings automatically display. You can use the Filters area at the top of the page to view a different status, if necessary.
  2. Next to the desired listing number, click the Revise icon . The Revise Listing menu displays.
  3. Under the Pictures heading, click Upload/Manage Pictures. The Upload/Manage Pictures page displays. NOTE: The new picture manager is only available for browsers that are HTML 5 compliant; non-compliant browsers are automatically redirected to the legacy Manage Pictures page.
  4. Click the Add Pictures button to locate and select the picture you want to add to the listing. NOTE: Pictures are loaded in the same order as they appear in the source folder. You can select/upload multiple pictures at once, up to the maximum allowed per listing. NOTE: The Upload/Manage Pictures feature supports JPG, BMP, GIF, TIF and PNG picture file formats.
  5. Optional: To edit pictures, click on the desired picture to highlight it and then select the Edit button located in the top right of the picture thumbnail. From there, you can rotate, crop, and add a picture description. Click Done when your changes are complete.
  6. Once all pictures have been added and edited, click Save & Exit to save all modifications and generate a message summarizing the changes as well as the number of pictures now attached to the listing. WARNING: New uploads, deletions and changes will not be saved to the listing until you click the Save & Exit button.

Please note that the time it takes for the pictures to upload will vary depending on the quantity and size of the pictures.

TIP: If your changes do not display correctly, then you may need to clear your cache.

TIP: Watermarked pictures that have been saved to a listing must be deleted and re-uploaded if you want to modify the picture. On Sites that require picture watermarks, the picture cannot be cropped after the watermark has been applied.

TIP: View the video tutorial entitled "Upload and Manage Pictures" on the Learning Center for a quick overview of this feature. The Learning Center can also be accessed directly from the Help menu.

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